In English
Helsingin Varuskunnan Ampujat ry
Helsingin Varuskunnan Ampujat of HVA is established in 1929 shooting club. Members we currently have a little less than 500 Society is one of Finland 's largest. Despite its name, the HVA is a civil Society, and is a member of the Finnish Shooting Sports Association. Hobbies , and we support a wide range of target shooting. Most of the disposal of the shooting ranges is Santahamina , which has access to the club member.
Operating the club
Action Shooting club takes place within the framework of the division of the species . Divisions in the Rifle Division , Pistol Division and Practical Division. Sub-committees will hold their own competitions, participate in competitions organized by other clubs and events as well as organizing training sessions and events. The actual shooting of the divisions, the club is a Women's Division, which is responsible for competitions, meetings and other events logistics and maintenance. In addition to active members , especially in big events is included aides, who work in the division of the glorious social function . As a volunteer with the conditions of the second type of competition has created a strong team spirit will follow .
Training Opportunities
HVA is able to provide members with a wealth of training opportunities in the internal and external ranges. We have a 300m, 150m, 100m, 50m rifle tracks, and a 25m and 50m pistol tracks indoors and outdoors , 10m air gun track and operating shooting ranges practical enthusiasts. Outdoor track season is year-round and indoor track season alongside it starts in October-November and ends in April Training Shifts can be found in the Divisions website , as well as an annual program.
Education and training activities
Sub-committees will organize their own event training sessions and information the other clubs in cooperation with the shooting taking place in the schools for their members. Young shooters has been able to use the club aircraft, weapons exercises. Practical Division organizes safety training courses and provides a 9mm pistol in stock if you do not use the opportunity to own their own weapons. The club organizes and supports the arts judge training.
Competition activities
HVA to organize regional and national competitions , as well as support the participation of representatives shooting competitions. Representation of our club shooters have had success at home and abroad, SM at European and World level up. Enjoys can of course also just for their own pleasure. Competition compulsion and no one has .
Becoming a member
Membership in the club can apply by filling out the form below . The membership may be granted to a member of the test period. If you do not yet know of anyone company, please feel free to contact us and come and see our operations and lines .
Fill out the membership application immediately and join the good company